Outras instituições de cosmologia e afins no mundo | Other cosmology institutions and related around the globe:

Canada | Canadá

Korea | Coréia

Spain | Espanha

Inter-institutional Centers | Centros Inter-institucionais

  • Institut Lagrange de Paris: http://ilp.upmc.fr (An international institute for theoretical and observational cosmology, and high energy physics)

comprises 20 centres, including three researching on particle physics and cosmology: Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe (CTPU), http://ctpu.ibs.re.kr/, Center for Axion and Precision Physics research (CAPP), http://capp.ibs.re.kr/, Center for Underground Physics (CUP), http://cupweb.ibs.re.kr/

More generic astronomy/astrophysics/theoretical physics institutions

  • Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics:http://www.iucaa.ernet.in/

-- MartinMakler - 2015-11-12

This topic: ICRA > WebHome > CosmoInstitutions
Topic revision: r4 - 2015-12-09 - MartinMakler
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